Pecking Order
The Pecking Order
Fast food giants are failing chickens. Our rating system exposes just how badly they're failing
For more than 70 years, we've been championing the cause to eliminate cruelty and suffering towards animals. During this period, we've expanded our reach and impact. We've played a crucial role in elevating the awareness of animal welfare on a worldwide stage, bringing about substantial enhancements in the treatment of both farm and wild animals.
The Pecking Order
Fast food giants are failing chickens. Our rating system exposes just how badly they're failing
Given the choice, pigs would spend hours roaming around and foraging for food.
Producers and distributors of seafood have a huge role to play
Billions of chickens who experience unbearable suffering on factory farms.
There are more than 70 billion land-based animals consumed annually
World Animal Protection seeks to collaborate with journalists to transform the global food system