Trophy Hunting
Trophy hunting is the killing of an animal for sport or pleasure in order to display part or all of its body as a trophy.
Trophy hunting is a horrific and cruel practice that has egregious animal welfare and conservation and impacts. It is a sport that is legal in several Southern African countries, South Africa (RSA) being a key player. These conflicts with the one-welfare and the rights of nature concepts that South Africa seeks to adopt as part and parcel of its new and transformed wildlife sector.
Ultimately, we want to end trophy hunting in South Africa, by 2030, by disrupting the systems that underpin it. In terms of our innovative solution, we aim to get South Africa to develop and adopt wildlife-friendly tourism as a viable economic and humane alternative to trophy hunting.
Our Objectives
Through multiple streams of action, we will activate a worldwide movement and transition away from this exploitation of wildlife by:

- Leveraging and publicizing opinions from polling in countries that have a material influence on South Africa's tourism economy, as well as in South Africa, to provide evidence that there is no demand or support for trophy hunting, that it could potentially damage South Africa reputation as a conservation leader and an attractive destination for wildlife-friendly or ecotourists and therefore the government should change its policies.
- Building public opposition in South Africa and South African international tourism markets to persuade the government to remove trophy hunting as a policy option.
- Get as many influential travel companies that have already signed our wildlife-friendly pledge or have policies to not offer trophy hunting, to publicly denounce trophy hunting and support our call for wildlife-friendly tourism in South Africa