Meat chickens are the most farmed land animals on the planet: globally, more than 60 billion chickens are reared and slaughtered for meat each year. Of these, more than two thirds are raised in intensive indoor systems where birds live in spaces smaller than a piece of paper, in barns crammed with tens of thousands of animals. They will spend most of their lives sitting or lying in their own waste. Genetic modification forces them to grow unnaturally large breast muscles, which results in painful disfigurement. These factors cause great distress and physical harm: they experience respiratory failure and sudden death, leg abnormalities, skeletal fractures, and skin problems.
Our work with industry players:
We work with producers, retailers, and other industry players to help them develop and review their animal welfare policies to be aligned with the FARMS initiative
Benefits of implementing high animal welfare policies
To animals high welfare contributes to Reduced stress resulting to better health and welfare as well as improved productivity.
To Humans high animal welfare policies contribute to food safety and reduce the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
To the Environment high animal welfare policies that address and curb factory farming help reverse Climate change and minimize Pollution in of the air, water and soil.
Kenchic launches an animal welfare commitment
Today we applaud and congratulate East and Central Africa’s leading producer of poultry - Kenchic on launching their animal welfare commitment.
The Kenchic commitment includes critical and much-needed animal welfare measures, such as providing birds with more space, ensuring Suitable environment, adopting breeds that demonstrate higher welfare outcomes and supporting humane slaughter by 2030. This is also accompanied by an animal welfare policy, antimicrobial use policy and Food safety policy. As animal welfare becomes a big part of the global conversation due to a clear connection between animal welfare, productivity, and consumer preferences, Kenchic is committed to positioning our business to fully meet and exceed international and national standards in delivering a product to be proud of.

It is a commendable step in giving farmed chicken a life worth living and a step towards a humane and sustainable food system, however we challenge them to implement an annual progress reporting towards meeting their commitments.
To see more change and improvement in animal lives what can you do?.
You have the opportunity today to create a safe and sustainable future by putting an end to industrial or intensive livestock systems and championing sustainable farming systems by tweeting a request for animal welfare policies by your favourite;